We Bare Bears
Manuscript for "Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing"
Paper reference: Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing | SpringerLink
791 字
4 分钟
Manuscript for "Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search"
Paper reference: Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search | SpringerLink
798 字
4 分钟
Note(Manuscript) for "Device-Enhanced Secure Cloud Storage with Keyword Searchable Encryption and Deduplication"
Paper reference:
1817 字
9 分钟
论文笔记 《Password-Based Credentials with Securiy Against Server Compromise》
原论文地址:Password-Based Credentials with Security Against Server Compromise | SpringerLink
3098 字
15 分钟
无加密的机密性:Chaffing and Winnowing原理和C#实验仿真
本文介绍了 Rivest 提出的 Chaffing and Winnowing 技术,该技术通过在消息中混入无关信息 (chaff) 并添加认证码 (MAC) 来实现机密性,即使在拥有所有加密密钥的“独裁者”信道中进行通信也能保证消息安全。
3650 字
18 分钟