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Manuscript for "Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing"

Paper reference: Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing | SpringerLink

Known Public Encryption Scheme  #

  • Setup: Generate  global system parameters and a master-key

  • Extract: use the master-key to generate the private-key  corresponding to an public-key string ID{0,1}ID ∈ \{0,1\}^*

  • Enc: encrypt M with ID → C

  • Dec: decrypt C with private-key



Revocation of Public Keys#

“One could potentially make this approach more granular by encrypting e-mail for Bob using “bob@hotmail.com ‖ current-date”. This forces Bob to obtain a new private key every day.” (Boneh and Franklin, p. 215)

“This approach enables Alice to send messages into the future: Bob will only be able to decrypt the e-mail on the date specified by Alice” (Boneh and Franklin, p. 215)

Delegation of Decryption Keys#

  1. bind <pk,sk> pairs with dates so that private-key can be stored in a vulnerable device: only thoses pairs are compromised and the Master-key is unharmed.
  2. delegations of duties or other title as a skill to distribute private keys.



Bilinear Map:  e.g. Weil pairing#

e:G1×G1G2e: G_1 \times G_1 \rightarrow G_2

, where G1G_1 and G2G_2 are two CYCLIC groups of some large prime order pp .

“In our system, G1 is the group of points of an elliptic curve over Fp and G2 is a subgroup of F∗p2 . Therefore, we view G1 as an additive group and G2 as a multiplicative group.” (Boneh and Franklin, p. 216)

  • Bilinear e(aP,bQ)=e(P,Q)ab  for  all  P,QG1  and  all  a,bZe(aP,bQ) =e(P,Q)^{ab} \; for \; all \; P,Q∈G_1 \; and \; all \; a,b ∈ Z

  • DH problem is hard in G1G_1

Properties of the Weil Pairing#


E:  y2=x3+1  over  Fp,E:\; y^2=x^3+1 \; over \; \mathbb{F}_p,

where prime pp satisfies p=2  (mod  3)  and  p=6q1  for  some  prime  qp =2 \; (mod \; 3) \; and \; p=6q-1 \; for \; some \; prime \; q


  • Setup:  k -> sys param (publicly shared) | master key (owned by PKG (“Private Key Generator” ))

  • **Extract(master-key K,string ID) **=> private decryption key d.> ID is used as a public key    

  • Enc/Dec

Secure Models#

models above allow A to conduct multi-round queries of <ID,d(private key)> pairs;


MapToPoint(string ID)=> Point#

G:  {0,1}FbG: \; \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_b , where in the security analysis  G is viewed as a random oracle.

  1. Compute y0=G(ID)y_0 = G(ID)  and y0E:  x0=(y021)1/3=(y021)(2p1)/3  mod  py_0 \rightarrow E:\;x_0=(y^2_0 -1)^{1/3} =(y^2_0-1)^{(2p-1)/3}\;mod\;p

  2. return QID=6(x0,y0)E/FbQ_{ID} = 6(x_0,y_0) ∈ E/\mathbb{F}_b

Basic IBE (BasicIdent)#

security parameter: kk


Step 1: Choose a large k-bit prime p such that p = 2 mod 3 and p = 6q − 1 for some prime q > 3. Let E be the elliptic curve defined by y2=x3+1y^2 = x^3 + 1  over Fb\mathbb{F}_b . Choose an arbitrary PE/FpP ∈ E/\mathbb{F}_p  of order q.

Step 2: Pick a random sZqs ∈ Z^*_q  and set Ppub=sPP_{pub} = sP .

Step 3: Choose a cryptographic hash function H:  Fp2{0,1}nH: \; F_{p^2} → \{0, 1\}^n  for some n. Choose a cryptographic hash function G:  {0,1}FpG: \; \{0, 1\}^∗ → \mathbb{F}_p. The security analysis will view H and G as random oracles.

output: system params :=<p,n,P,Ppub,G,H><p,n,P,P_{pub},G,H> , master-key : sZqs∈\mathbb{Z}_q picked in Step 2.

Message space is M={0,1}nM =\{0,1\}^n

Ciphertext space is C=E/Fb×{0,1}nC= E/\mathbb{F}_b \times \{0,1\}^n  

Extract(string ID)#

Step 1. QID=MapToPoint(ID)Q_{ID} = MapToPoint(ID)

Step 2. private key dID=sQIDd_{ID}=sQ_{ID}, where s is the master key.


QID=MapToPoint(ID)Q_{ID} = MapToPoint(ID) r$Zqr \xleftarrow{\text\$} \mathbb{Z}_q C=<rP,MH(gIDr)>  where  gID=e(QID,Ppub)C=<rP,M \oplus H(g^r_{ID})> \; where \; g_{ID}=e(Q_{ID},P_{pub})


“Let C = 〈U, V 〉 ∈ C be a ciphertext encrypted using the public key ID. If U ∈ E/Fp is not a point of order q reject the ciphertext. Otherwise, to decrypt C using the private key dID compute:” (Boneh and Franklin, p. 222)

M=VH(e(dID,U))M = V \oplus H(e(d_{ID},U))


e(dID,U)=e(dID,rP)=e(QID,P)sr=e(QID,Ppub),  where  Ppub=sP  is  sysparame(d_{ID},U)=e(d_{ID},rP) =e(Q_{ID},P)^{sr} = e(Q_{ID},P_{pub}), \; where \; P_{pub}=sP \; is \; sys-param

IND-CCA Security: enhanced by Fujisaki-Okamoto transform#

Fujisaki-Okamoto transform#

Suppose <PEnc,PDec><PEnc,PDec> is a public key encryption scheme.H and G are hash functions(viewed as random oracles): H:{0,1}n×{0,1}nFqH: \{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_q , G:{0,1}n{0,1}nG: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n

σ$Key  Domain  of  H\sigma \xleftarrow{\text\$} Key \; Domain \; of \; H EncFO:CK=PEnc(pk,σ;H(σ,M)),  CM=G(σ)MEnc_{FO}: C_K = PEnc(pk,\sigma; H(\sigma,M)) , \; C_M= G(\sigma) \oplus M DecFO:σ=PDec(sk,CK),  verify  CK==EncFO().CK  then  M=CMG(σ)Dec_{FO}: \sigma = PDec(sk,C_K), \; verify \; C_K == Enc_{FO}(·).C_K \; then \; M= C_M \oplus G(\sigma)

Comparing with conventional Hybrid Encryption, FO transform  surpasses as follows:

  • IND-CCA Security
  • using Hash functions to blind random seeds and message
  • check keys before decryption


QID=MapToPoint(ID)Q_{ID} = MapToPoint(ID) σ${0,1}n,  then  r=H(σ,M)\sigma \xleftarrow{\text\$} \{0,1\}^n, \; then \; r=H(\sigma,M) C=<rP,σH(gIDr),MG(σ)>C=<rP,\sigma \oplus H(g^r_{ID}), M \oplus G(\sigma)>

Notice that gIDr=e(QID,Ppub)rg^r_{ID} =e(Q_{ID,P_{pub}})^r  binds with both the message M and the random seed σ\sigma ,functioning as H(σ,M)H(\sigma,M) as that above.

Decrypt: receive C=<U,V,W>#

  1. Check if UE/FpU ∈ E/\mathbb{F}_p is not a point of order q, otherwise reject C

  2. Compute σ=VH(e(dID,U))\sigma = V \oplus H(e(d_{ID},U))

  3. Decrypt M=WG(σ)M=W \oplus G(\sigma)

  4. re-compute and check   r=H(σ,M)==U=rPr=H(\sigma,M) == U =rP

Manuscript for "Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing"
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